Thursday, March 14, 2019

To Stacey.... Happy Anniversary and Thank You!

It's pretty obvious that as a legislator a lot of my time is taken up doing things outside of my regular job and that takes away from my family but what many people don't understand is just how big a sacrifice it can be on other members of the family. Especially my wife. It's interesting that again we are celebrating our anniversary on the last day of the session which has happened on many many years during my service in the legislature. I really need to take a moment and just express how grateful I am to have a wife who is not only smarter than me and more talented than me but that supports me in these types of efforts to try and make the world a little bit better place. The time and effort and sacrifice that she has put into all of this goes almost completely unnoticed and uncelebrated. I get little thank you cards here and there when people shake my hand and tell me to thank you for the work that I do now and then but she never gets that so I want this to be that little moment where.

I reach out and expressed to her the immense gratitude that I have for all that she does to support the work that changes lives and helps make the world a better place. Of the thousands of little things that she has to do that no one else will ever know about but to me they mean the world. Thank you, Stacey, I love you always and forever.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

H.B. 90 Occupational Licensing Modifications

As I have worked collaboratively with Utah’s criminal justice, I have made it a goal to make sure Utah provides a path for those who have been successful in different rehabilitation services and now desire to reenter society. During this Legislative session, I have passed a bill through the House that will reinforce this commitment.

Many individuals who have completed rehabilitation and are working to reenter society possess a desire to go to college and get a degree in counseling or therapy and support other individuals who are on the similar path they were on. However, it’s not until after they’ve attained their degree that they find out that they cannot obtain a license in their chosen field of work because of their criminal history.  H.B. 90 allows the Utah Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing (DOPL) to inform individuals if they can obtain a specific license before they go to college to get their degree. It, in addition, gives DOPL the resources to establish a process into place to determine how many years after a person gets released from incarceration and/or rehabilitation can they obtain a specific license.

Our goal with this legislation is to provide individuals with the tools they need to rebuild their lives after serving their time and trying to rehabilitate into society. We should be a state that provides every opportunity and assistance to those who gain a sincere desire to reform and transform their lives. I know this legislation preserves that Utah legacy.